Over 1,400 National, State, and Community-based
Organizations Sign a Letter Urging Congress to Protect and
Strengthen SNAP in Farm Bill Negotiations
July 9, 2024
We, the 1,422 national, state, and local organizations representing communities across the
country, urge the House and Senate to develop a Farm Bill that ensures that the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is protected and strengthened and that benefit adequacy,
equitable access, and program administration remain core tenets of the program. We will
oppose any Farm Bill including the House Agriculture Committee’s Farm, Food, and National
Security Act of 2024 which proposes cuts to SNAP including restricting future Thrifty Food
Plan benefit adjustments, nearly $30 billion in cuts over 10 years according to the Congressional
Budget Office, in addition to provisions outsourcing administrative functions currently required
to be performed by public sector merit employees. The bill also paves the way for future efforts
to undermine the equity and autonomy in how SNAP participants can use benefits in ways that
meet their cultural, dietary, and health needs.
Strengthening SNAP and the commodity assistance programs ensures that the more than 41
million people who continue to rely on SNAP benefits every month to put food on the table
during a time of increased rent and health care costs can access and afford the nutrition they
need to thrive.
The Farm Bill presents a unique opportunity for Congress to make progress against food
insecurity and hunger, especially considering that food insecurity touches people in every
Congressional District. Strengthening SNAP and the commodity assistance programs The
Emergency Food Assistance Program, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Food
Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program,
and the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program will go a long way to end poverty-related
Every dollar invested in SNAP is a dollar we invest into our nation and its people. And this
investment has a strong ripple effect. Studies show that increases in SNAP benefits directly
correlate to improved health outcomes and decreased visits to emergency rooms, which
decreases Medicaid costs. In addition to its health, nutrition, and overall improved well-being
attributes, SNAP also supports local economies each dollar in federally funded SNAP benefits
generates between $1.50 and $1.80 in economic activity during a weak economy.
Yet, despite its many strengths, we expect a lot of output from a program where the average
benefit is only $6 per person per day. During a time of sharply increased costs at grocery stores
and other living expenses, it is ill-advised to weaken SNAP and the commodity programs as it
will only deepen America’s hunger crisis.
SNAP is our nation’s most impactful anti-hunger program. Congress should ensure that SNAP
benefits reach all those in need, including households with children, older adults, veterans, and
people with disabilities, and residents of the U.S. territories, so that all can thrive. Equally
important, Congress must protect SNAP from damaging policies that would undermine its
effectiveness and increase hunger and food insecurity. This includes ensuring that future Thrifty
Food Plan adjustments allow benefits to keep pace with the cost of a healthy diet based on
factors such as the latest dietary guidance and food consumption patterns.
Historically, the Farm Bill has been a bipartisan effort that has prioritized improving the lives of
millions of households who struggle to get the nutrition they need. We urge Congress to return
to this core Farm Bill principle and only advance a bold and equitable Farm Bill that protects
and strengthens SNAP and the commodity assistance programs that support millions of
households in every corner of our country.
National Organizations
20/20 Vision
211 Helpline
211 PBTC
ACA Consumer Advocacy
ADAP Advocacy
Advocates for Better Children's Diets
Alianza Nacional de Campesinas
Alliance for a Just Society
Alliance for Retired Americans
Alliance of Baptists
Alliance to End Hunger
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
American Friends Service Committee
American Medical Women's Association
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs
Association of State Public Health Nutritionists
Autistic People of Color Fund
BCTGM International Union
Bernardine Franciscan Sisters
Bread For the City
Bread for the World
CACFP Roundtable
Caring Ambassadors Program
Catholic Social Services
Center for Digital Democracy
Center for Employment Training
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Chef Mikey, LLC
Child Welfare League of America
Children's Defense Fund
Children's HealthWatch
ChopChop Family
Church World Service
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Coalition on Human Needs
Collaborative Solutions, Inc.
Common Sense Media
Common Threads
CommonSpirit Health
Community Access National network (CANN)
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, U.S. Provinces
Congressional Research Institute for Social Work Policy
Cooperative School of Christian Missions
Council for Professional Recognition
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Doctors for America
Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa Peace and Justice Office
Drug Policy Alliance
E Pluribus Unum
EMPath (Economic Mobility Pathways)
End Hunger Network
Endeavor Health
Environmental Working Group
Equitable Spaces
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Families USA
Family Centered Treatment Foundation
Farmers Market Coalition
First Focus on Children
Food is Medicine Coalition
Food Recovery Network
Food Research & Action Center (FRAC)
Food Systems Collaborative
FoodFinder, Inc.
Futures Without Violence
GRIT Strategies
Healthy Teen Network
HIV Medicine Association
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, USA-JPIC
Home Grown
Hunger Free America
Impact Fund
Inside the Sun Inc
Institute for Educational Leadership
Integrated Community Solutions, Inc
Islamic Relief USA
Jewish Women International
Justice and Joy National Collaborative (formerly National Crittenton)
Justice in Aging
JustUS Coordinating Council
Lulus Local Food
Main Street Alliance
Marshallese Educational Initiative
MaryCatherine Jones Consulting
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
Meals on Wheels America
Michelson Center for Public Policy
MY Project USA
National Afterschool Association
National Alliance to End Homelessness
National Association for Family Child Care
National Association of Counsel for Children
National Association of RSVP Directors
National Association of Social Workers
National CACFP Forum
National Center on Adoption and Permanency
National Child Care Association
National Co+op Grocers
National Coalition for the Homeless
National Commodity Supplemental Food Program Association
National Community Action Partnership
National Council of Churches
National Council of Jewish Women
National Disability Institute
National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)
National Education Association
National Employment Law Project
National Head Start Association
National Health Care for the Homeless Council
National Network to End Domestic Violence
National Organization of Nurses with Disabilities (NOND)
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
National Union of Health Care Employees 1199 AFSCME/ AFL-CIO
National WIC Association
National Women's Law Center
National Women's Political Caucus
National Young Farmers Coalition
Nenana Native Association
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies
North America Food Systems Network
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE)
Operation Love Inc
Our Bodies Ourselves
Oxfam America
Parents as Teachers
ParentsTogether Action
Partners in Care Foundation
People Power United
Per Scholas
Poetry X Hunger
Precise Portions
Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of Public Witness
Protect All Children's Environment
Public Advocacy for Kids (PAK)
Public Health Institute's Center for Wellness and Nutrition
Region VII Head Start Association
Save the Children
Save the Children Action Network
School-Based Health Alliance
Seeds of Hope Publishers
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Share Our Strength
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Congregational Leadership
Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior
Society for Public Health Education
Society of St. Andrew
Society of St Vincent de Paul, St Leo Conference Food Pantry
Southern Rural Black Women's Initiative
SparkWheel, Inc.
StrongHearts Native Helpline
Swipe Out Hunger
the Educare Network
The Institute for College Access & Success
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
The National Harm Reduction Coalition
The United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society
The Urban Health and Education Consultants
The Workers Circle
Trans Empowerment Project
Union for Reform Judaism
Union of Concerned Scientists
Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice
United Church of Christ
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW)
United Women in Faith
Urban Health Collaborative
Urban Oasis Project, Inc
Voices for Progress
Wallace Center at Winrock International
When The Trumpet Sounds
Women's HQ
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US
World Renew
WZA Consultant
Young Invincibles
Youth First Justice Collaborative
Youth Villages
Alabama Arise
Alabama Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Alabama Childhood Food Solutions Inc
Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice
Feeding Alabama
Five Horizons Health Services
Franklin Primary Health Center, Inc
Greater Birmingham Ministries
VOICES for Alabama's Children
Alaska Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Alaska Children's Trust
Alaska Food Coalition
Alaska Food Policy Council
Anchor Point Food Pantry
Anchorage Community Land Trust
Anchorage's Northside SDA Church
Bethel Community Services Foundation
Blood n Fire Ministry of Alaska
Bread Line
Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation
Brother Francis Shelter Kodiak, Inc.
Catholic Community Service
Congregation Sukkat Shalom
Copper River Basin Resource Council
Copper River Native Association
Disability Law Center of Alaska
Food Bank of Alaska
Helping Hands Food Bank
Hoonah Indian Association
Juneau UU Fellowship
Kenai Peninsula Food Bank
Kids Kupboard
Lutheran Social Services of Alaska
MatSu Food Bank
Metlakatla Indian Community
Mutual Aid Network of Anchorage
Native Village of Eklutna
Native Village of Unalakleet
Native Village of White Mountain
Nenana Tortella Council on Aging, INC
New Hope Compassionate Ministries
Nome Community Center
North Star Food Pantry
OPT-In Kiana
Rendezvous ADS
Seward Senior Center
Sitka Farmers Market (Sitka Local Foods Network)
Southeast Alaska Food bank
Turnagain Community Services
United Way of Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Valdez Senior Center, Inc.
Arizona Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Arizona Council of Human Service Providers
Arizona Food Bank Network
Child & Family Resources, Inc
Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona
Honest Arizona
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest
National Council of Jewish Women Los Angeles
Payson Farmers Market
Pima Council on Aging
William E. Morris Institute for Justice
American Association of University Women Jonesboro Branch
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
Arkansas Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Arkansas Coalition of Marshallese
Arkansas Community Organizations
Arkansas Education Association
Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance
Arkansas United
Disability Rights Arkansas
First United Methodist Church, Little Rock
Hispanic Women's Organization of AR
West Side Community Hub, Inc.
AFSCME District Council 36
Alameda County Community Food Bank
Alchemist CDC
Alchemist Community Development Corporation
Any Positive Change Inc.
APLA Health
Asian Resources, Inc.
Atomic Kitten Services
Being Alive - LA
BriarPatch Food Co-op
Brooke Frost & Associates
Buen Vecino
Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency
California Association of Food Banks
California Center for Rural Policy
California Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
California Competes
California Competes: Higher Education for a Strong Economy
California Food is Medicine Coalition
California Foundation for Independent Living Centers
California WIC Association
Caterpillars 2 Butterflies Daycare
Center for Healthy Communities
Ceres Community Project
Childhood Obesity Initiative
Community Action Marin
Community Action Partnership of Kern
Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County
Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County
Community Bridges
Davis Food Co-op
DAVOYA Community Development Corporation
Disability Rights California
FIND Food Bank
First 5 Alameda County
First 5 LA
Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano
Food for People
Food For Thought
Food Share of Ventura County
Foodbank of Santa Barbara County
Foodlink Tulare County
Fort Bragg Food Bank
Golden State Opportunity
GRACE/End Child Poverty in California
HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County (HEPPAC)
Jewish Family and Children's Services (SF Bay Area)
Jewish Family Service LA
Khulood's Child Care
Kings Community Action Organization, Inc
Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN)
Maternal and Child Health Access
Meals on Wheels California, Inc
Montclair Presbyterian Church
Nourish California
OC Food Bank
Open Heart Kitchen
Prevent Child Abuse California
Public Health Advocates
Redwood Empire Food Bank
RESULTS-Silicon Valley
River City Food Bank
San Diego Hunger Coalition
San Francisco-Marin Food Bank
Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County
Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County
Senior Coastsiders, Inc.
Senior Policy & Research Manager
Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation
The California Family Resource Association
The Gubbio Project
Valley Oak Children's Services
West Valley Community Services
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom San Francisco Branch
YWCA San Gabriel Valley
AAUW-American Association of University Women of Colorado
Adams County Health Department
Ancient Foraging
BPW Colorado
Coal Creek Meals on Wheels
Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger
Colorado Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
Colorado Fiscal Institute
Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR)
Colorado Society for Public Health Education (COSOPHE)
Community Food Bank of Grand Junction
Durango Natural Foods Co-op
Frontline farming
Grand Valley Peace and Justice
Growing Home
Hope Communities
Hunger Free Colorado
Jefferson County Food Policy Council
Jewish Family Service of Colorado
Kaizen Food Rescue
Maiker Housing Partners
Meals on Wheels of Loveland and Berthoud
Mountain Resource Center
NCJW Colorado Section
RESULTS Colorado
Vivent Health
We Don't Waste
Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. (Delaware)
Delaware Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Delaware Public Employees
Delaware State Education Association
Food Bank of Delaware
Healthy Foods for Healthy Kids
District of Columbia
DC Action
DC Action for Children
DC Hunger Solutions
DC Metro Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
All Faiths Food Bank
American Children's Campaign
Arms Of Hope Community Inc
Disability Rights Florida
Esperanza Community
Faith Deliverance Church/Feeding Hope Village
Farm Share
Farmworker Coordinating Council of Palm Beach County, Inc.
Federation of Families of Florida, Inc.
Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Florida Education Association
Florida Head Start Association
Florida Impact
Florida Policy Institute
Florida Rising
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of PBC, Inc.
Hispanic Services Council, Inc.
Hope Partnership
Hunger Relief Operations
JeannMarie Fashion, Naples
NCJW Palm Beach
Omnipotent Outreach Ministries
Palm Beach County Food Bank
Pax Christi Florida
Picnic Project
RESULTS North Florida
Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services, Inc.
South Shore UMC
STREAM (a justice ministry advocacy group)
United Way of Palm Beach County
Atlanta Community Food Bank
Candler County
Coastal Georgia Area Community Action Authority, Inc
Feeding Georgia
Forsyth Farmers Market
GA Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Georgia Budget and Policy Institute
Georgia Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Hand, Heart and Soul Project
Intown Cares
Latino Community Fund Georgia
Meals on Wheels of Coweta, Inc.
Morningside Farmers Market
Neighbor to family, INC
Quality Care for Children
Senior Citizens Inc.
Voices for Georgia's Children
Guam Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action
Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice
Hawaii Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Hawaii Children's Action Network Speaks!
Hawai'i Foodbank
Hawaii Good Food Alliance
Hawaii Meals on Wheels
Hawai'i Public Health Institute
Lanakila Pacific
Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc.
Maui Nui Food Alliance
Native Stories
The Food Basket Inc. Hawai'i Island's Food Bank
The Pantry by Feeding Hawaii Together
City of Boise
Idaho Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Idaho Head Start Association
Idaho Hunger Relief Task Force
Idaho Interfaith Roundtable Against Hunger
Moscow Food Cooperative
St Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho
The Hunger Coalition
The Idaho Foodbank
Traveling Table
AFSCME Council 31
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
BEDS Plus, Inc.
Beyond Hunger
CEDA (Community & Economic Development Association)
Chicago Jobs Council
Circle Urban Ministries
Common Ground Food Co-op
Cook County Health
Geneseo-Atkinson Food Pantry
Greater Chicago Food Depository
IL Hunger Coalition
Illinois Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Illinois Education Association
Kids Above All
Northern Illinois Food Bank
Nourishing Hope
Peoria Area Food Bank
Safer Foundation
Share Food Share Love Food Pantry
Sheldon Heights CoC Food Pantry
Swedish Hospital
Teamwork Englewood
Top Box Foods
Tri-County Opportunities Council
University of Illinois Chicago - UI Health - Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
West Side United
Westchester Food Pantry
Chapel of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Campus Ministry
Community Action of Greater Indianapolis, Inc. (CAGI)
Covering Kids & Families of Indiana
Feeding Indiana's Hungry
Food Bank of Northern Indiana
Food Finders Food Bank
Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana
Indiana AFL-CIO
Indiana Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs
Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Indiana Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Indiana Justice Project
Indy Hunger Network
Lafayette Urban Ministry
Meals on Wheels Muncie
Pack Away Hunger
Second Helpings
Common Good Iowa
Coralville Community Food Pantry
Corridor Community Action Network
Des Moines Area Religious Council
Des Moines Education Association
Disability Rights Iowa
Iowa ACEs 360
Iowa Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Iowa Community Action Association
Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
Iowa Food Bank Association
Iowa Hunger Coalition
Iowa State Education Association
Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity
Southeast Linn Community Center
Disability Rights Center of Kansas
Dominican Sister of Peace-Ministry of Presence
Greater Kansas City Food Policy Coalition
Just Food of Douglas County, Kansas
Kansas Appleseed
Kansas Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
KC Farm School
Northwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging
SER Corporation
The Family Conservancy
The Merc Co+op
Kentucky Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Kentucky Equal Justice Center
KY Annual Conference of the UMC Advocacy Team
The Kentucky Council of Churches Justice and Advocacy Commission
Clover, Inc.
Louisiana Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Louisiana Food Policy Action Council
Ninth Baptist Church Food Bank
Sprout NOLA
United Way of Southeast Louisiana
Belfast Community Co-op
Disability Rights Maine
Full Plates Full Potential
Good Shepherd Food Bank
Good Tern Co-op
Maine Center for Economic Policy
Maine Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Maine Education Association
Maine Equal Justice
Maine Network of Community Food Councils
Maine People's Alliance
Merrymeeting Food Council
Preble Street
Anne Arundel County Community Action Agency
Anne Arundel County Food Bank, Inc.
Chiquita Jackson Enterprise
Crossroads Community Food Network
Farm to School Frederick
Justice & Advocacy Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland
Manna Food Center
Maryland Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Maryland Hunger Solutions
Maryland State Education Association
Morgan State University
Public Justice Center
Retriever Essentials
The Karabelle Pizzigati Initiative in Advocacy for Children, Youth, and Families at the University
of Maryland
Active Lab, Boston University School of Public Health
Acton Food Pantry
AFSCME Council 93
Allston Brighton Health Collaborative
Arise for Social Justice
Athol Council on Aging
Berkshire Food Co-op
Boston Area Gleaners, Inc.
Boston Medical Center
Brookfield Ecumenical Food Pantry
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee
Catholic Charities Worcester County
Charlton Chip In Food Pantry
Citizens for Citizens
Citizens Inn
Clarendon Early Education Services, inc
Coalition for a Better Acre
Community Economic Development Center of Southeastern Massachusetts, Inc.
Community Harvest Project
Community Servings
Daily Bread Food Panty Inc.
Dighton Council on Aging
Disability Law Center
Disability Policy Consortium
East Boston Social Centers
Edward Street
First Church Stoneham Food Pantry
Food Bank of Western MA
Food Link
Fresh Truck
Friendly House
Ginny's Helping Hand, Inc.
Groveland Council on Aging
Grow Food Northampton
Highland Baptist Church Food Pantry
Home Care Aide Council
Jeremiah's Inn
JF&CS of Greater Boston
Just Roots
Lane Gardens - Oakdale Farms
LifePath, Inc.
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
Lunenburg Community Food Pantry, Inc.
Mashpee Council on Aging
Mass Farmers Markets
Mass General Brigham
Mass Law Reform Institute
Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs
Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Massachusetts Councils on Aging
Massachusetts Farm to School
Massachusetts Food System Collaborative
Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
Massachusetts Teachers Association
Merrimack Valley Food Bank
MetroWest Food Collaborative
MetroWest Legal Services
Mustard Seed Food Pantry
Neighborhood Food Action Collaborative
Neighborhood Food Action Collaborative (NFAC)
North Reading Department of Elder Services
Northeast Justice Center
One Family
Operation Nourish
President and CEO
Project Bread
Quinsigamond Village Community Center
Regional Environmental Council of Central MA
Rehoboth Council on Aging
Ruth's Harvest Pantry
Rutland Food Pantry
SDVP@ St Joseph's church Fitchburg Ma
Shrewsbury Council on Aging
South Worcester Neighborhood Center
Spanish American Center, Inc.
St. Anne's Human Services
Stavros CIL
Survival Centers, Inc. (dba Amherst Survival Center)
Temple Sinai of Sharon
The Gray House Inc.
The Greater Boston Food Bank
The Marion Institute, Inc.
The Open Door
The Open Pantry of Greater Lowell
The Outreach Program
Three Sisters Garden Project
Town of Norton Senior Center
UMass Memorial Health
Veterans Inc.
Visitation House
Vital CxNS
Wild Oats Cooperative Inc.
Worcester County Food Bank
YMCA Southcoast
YWCA Cambridge
Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County
Center for Civil Justice
Disability Rights Michigan
Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids (MI)
Educate Youth
FedUp Ministries
Food Bank Council of Michigan
Food Gatherers
GreenTree Co-op Market
Growing Hope
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes
Kent County Essential Needs Task Force (ENTF)
Kids' Food Basket
Manchester Community Resource Center
Marquette Food Co-op
Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Michigan Education Association
Michigan Immigrant Rights Center
Michigan League for Public Policy
National Kidney Foundation of Michigan
Northfield's Human Services
Northwest Education Services
Northwest Lansing Healthy Communities Initiative d/b/a NorthWest Initiative
People's Food Co-op of Kalamazoo
PFC Natural Grocery & Deli
SER Metro-Detroit
TrueNorth Community Services
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
University of Michigan Maize and Blue Cupboard
AFSCME Council 5
Austin Aspires
Eastside Food Co-op
Foundation for Essential Needs
Hennepin County, Minnesota
Lutheran Advocacy - Minnesota
MICAH- Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing
Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Minnesota Farmers' Market Association
Neighborhood House
Neighbors, Inc.
Open Arms of Minnesota
Partnership Academy
The Food Group
The Sanneh Foundation
Tri-Community Food Shelf
United Community Action Partnership
Cassville Pantry
Circle of Concern
Communities Creating Opportunity
Douglass Community Services
Empower Missouri
Epiphany United Church of Christ
Harvesters--The Community Food Network
Immigrant Home English Learning Program
Isaiah 58 Ministries
Kids Win Missouri
Liberty Meals on Wheels
MISD, Mothers of Incarcerated Sons & Daughters
Missouri Budget Project
Missouri Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Missouri NEA
Operation Food Search
Ozarks Food Harvest
RESULTS Kansas City
Services for Independent Living
St. Anthony Food Pantry
St. Louis Area Foodbank
Sts. Joachim & Ann Care Service
Union Avenue Christian Church, St Louis MO
AFSCME Montana Council 9
Beaverhead County Resource Assistance Center
Community Hope Inc.
Disability Rights Montana
Gallatin Valley Food Bank a program of HRDC
Grow Montana Food Policy Coalition
Missoula Food Bank & Community Center
Montana Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Montana Food Bank Network
North Valley Food Bank
The Poverello Center
Community Action of Nebraska, Inc.
Food Bank for the Heartland
Food Bank of Lincoln
Heart Ministry Center
Nebraska Appleseed
Nebraska Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
OpenSky Policy Institute
The Well
Voices for Children in Nebraska
YWCA Lincoln
CPLC Nevada
Food Bank of Northern Nevada
Helping Hands of Vegas Valley Inc.
Nevada Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Nevada Homeless Alliance
Nevada Public Health Association
Nevada State Education Association
Silver State Equality-Nevada
Southern Nevada Food Council
St. Paul's Charismatic Episcopal Church
Three Square Food Bank
New Hampshire
Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc., (ACHS)
Amoskeag Health
Betsey Andrews Parker, Community Action Partnership of Strafford County
Bi-State Primary Care Association
Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc.
Disability Rights Center - NH
Engage New Hampshire
Food For Free
Granite State Organizing Project
Monadnock Food Co-op
Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter, Inc.
NEA-New Hampshire
New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging
New Hampshire Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
NH Council on Developmental Disabilities
NH Hunger Solutions
Southern NH Services, Inc.
Southwestern Community Services, Inc.
The Community Kitchen
Tri-County Community Action Program, Inc.
United Way of Greater Nashua
Victory Women of Vision
New Jersey
Association for Special Children & Families
Cathedral Soup Kitchen, Inc.
CWA Local 1081
Disability Rights New Jersey
Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger
Hunger Free New Jersey
Meeting Essential Needs with Dignity, Inc. (MEND)
Mount Pisgah AME Food Pantry
National Council of Jewish Women Essex County Section
New Jersey Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
New Jersey Public Health Association
RESULTS, New Jersey
St. Matthew Trinity Lunchtime Ministry
TASK (Trenton Area Soup Kitchen)
WomenRising, Inc.
New Mexico
Disability Rights New Mexico
Farm to Table - New Mexico
Native American Disability Law Center
New Mexico Basic Needs Consortium
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
New Mexico Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
New Mexico Farmers' Marketing Association
New Mexico First
NM Center on Law and Poverty
Prosperity Works
Rio Grande Food Project
Roadrunner Food Bank
The Food Depot
New York
2-1-1 NY, Inc.
Abundance Food Co-op
Adirondack Birth to Three Alliance
Adirondack Food System Network
Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled
Broome County Food Council
Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of NY
Catholic Charities Community Services of Rockland County
Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler - Diocese of Rochester, NY
Catholic Charities Tompkins/Tioga
Center for Independence of the Disabled, New York
Church of St Francis Xavier
Church Women United in New York State
Citizen Action of New York
Citizens' Committee for Children of New York
City Harvest
Citymeals on Wheels
Community Food Advocates
Cooperstown Food Pantry, Inc.
Council on the Environment, Inc. dba GrowNYC
CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute
Dryden Kitchen Cupboard
Dunkirk-Fredonia Meals on Wheels
Early Childhood Quality Council
East Aurora Cooperative Market
Emmanuel Congregational UCC
Equity Advocates
Family Enrichment Network
Feeding New York State
Fellowship Baptist Church of Wyandanch
Field & Fork Network, Inc.
Finger Lakes Independence Center Inc. (aka FLIC)
Flatbush Food Co-op
Food As Content
Food Bank For New York City
Food Bank of Central New York
Food Bank of the Southern Tier
Grace Church West Farms
Health and Welfare Council of Long Island
High Falls Food Co-op
High Hill food pantry
Human Concerns, Inc
Hunger Solutions New York
Island Harvest Food Bank
Johnson Park Center (JPC)
Karing Kitchen
Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education and Policy
League of Women Voters of St. Lawrence County, New York
Lexington Co-op
Long Island Cares, Inc.-The Harry Chapin Food Bank
Los Sures
Meals on Wheels of Chemung County, Inc.
Meals on Wheels of Syracuse, NY Inc.
Mexico (NY) Food Pantry
NAMI Huntington
New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
New York State Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
New York State Public Health Association
Niagara Community Action Program, Inc.
Northeast Brooklyn Housing Development Corp
NY Common Pantry
NY StateWide Senior Action Council
NYS Association for Rural Health, Inc.
OMHPC Food Pantry
OMHPC Food Pantry
Part of the Solution
Pax Christi Hudson Valley, NY
Price Chopper/Market 32
Project Hospitality
Public Health Solutions
Rabbinical Alliance of America
Schuyler Center for Analysis & Advocacy
SCO Family of Services
Sisters of Charity of New York
St. Lawrence County Community Development Program, Inc.
St. Peter's Episcopal Church Love Pantry
St. Stephen Outreach Community Development Corporation
The Boys' Club of New York
The Campaign Against Hunger
The Children's Agenda
The Food Pantries for the Capital District
The Institute for Human Services, Inc.
The Schenectady Foundation
The United Methodist Center in Far Rockaway
United Way of Buffalo & Erie County
United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes
United Way of Mid Rural New York
United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region
United Way of the Mohawk Valley
United Way of Tompkins County
United Way of Westchester and Putnam
West Harlem Group Assistance, Inc.
West Side Campaign Against Hunger
WIC Association of NYS, Inc.
Workforce Development Board Herkimer, Madison & Oneida Counties, Inc.
Yoga For Peace, Justice, Harmony With the Planet - Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer
North Carolina
Ashe Outreach Ministries
Bags of Blessings
Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture
Breakthrough community church
Burnett Chapel Christian Church
Carteret Local Food Network
Clemmons Food Pantry
Community Care Center for Forsyth County Inc.
Creation Care Team, North Carolina Conference United Methodist Church
Disability Rights North Carolina
Eva Clayton Rural Food Institute
Feeding the Carolinas
First Pentecostal
Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina
Food Bank of the Albemarle
Forsyth Backpack Program
Greater High Point Food Alliance
Green Rural Redevelopment Organization
Holly Springs Food Cupboard
Hunger Solutions Consulting
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle
Iredell Christian Ministries
Katelyn Chapman Counseling
LOT 2540
MANNA FoodBank
Meals On Wheels Rowan
Meals on Wheels Rowan
Melfield United Church of Christ
NC Community Action Association
North Carolina Alliance for Health
North Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Nourish Up
One Step Further, Inc.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina
South Davidson Family Resource Center, Inc.
St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church Food Pantry
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Food Policy Council
The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina
Weaver Street Market, Inc.
Wilkes Ministry of Hope
Working Landscapes
North Dakota
Great Plains Food Bank
ND Human Rights Coalition
North Dakota AFL-CIO
North Dakota Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
North Dakota Native Vote
Northlands Rescue Mission
Area Agency on Aging 3
Central Community House
Children's Hunger Alliance
Community Development for All People
Concord Counseling
Directions for Youth & Families
Equitas Health
Euclid Hunger Task Force
Finance Fund
Fish Pond Food Pantry
Franklinton Farms
Freedom a la Cart
Godman Guild Association
God's Lighthouse Pentecostal Church of God
Highland Youth Garden
Hocking Athens Perry Community Action
Honeycomb Arts & Wellness Collective
Housing Research & Advocacy Center
Impact Mt, Tabor
Knox Public Health
Local Matters
Lower Lights Health
Make A Day
MCPH WIC Program
Mid-Ohio Food Collective
Neighborhood Development Services, Inc.
Ohio Association of Foodbanks
Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Ohio Education Association
Ohio Grandparent Kinship Coalition
ONE Church Lima
Pickaway County Commission on Aging dba Pickaway Senior Center
Policy Matters Ohio
PrimaryOne Health
RESULTS Central Ohio
Second Harvest Food Bank Champaign Clark Logan
Shared Harvest Foodbank, Inc.
Sisters of St. Francis, Sylvania Ohio
The Foodbank Inc
The Foodbank, Inc.
The Freedom BLOC
The Greater Cleveland Food Bank
The Reeb Center
Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank
UFCW Local 75
Vineyard Community Church
West Ohio Food Bank
CAP Tulsa
Feeding the needy
Food Bank of Eastern OK
Good Samaritan Outreach
Hunger Free Oklahoma
Jenks Church Food Pantry at Contact Church
Oklahoma Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Oklahoma Disability Law Center, Inc.
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Oklahoma State University/Pete's Pantry
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
RESULTS Oklahoma
Under Gods Care Inc
Disability Rights Oregon
Food Roots
Latino Network
Medford Food Co-op
Nectar Digital Collaborative
Oregon AFSCME, Council 75
Oregon Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Oregon Food Bank
Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon
St Helens Senior Center
412 Food Rescue
412 Justice
AFSCME Council 13
Bucks County Opportunity Council
Buy Fresh Buy Local of the Greater Lehigh Valley
Community Legal Services of Philadelphia
Feast of Justice
Food Helpers/DBA Gr. Washington County Food Bank
Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank
Jamie Christian
Jewish Family & Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia
Just Harvest
Laurel House
Lehigh Valley Central Labor Council
Metro Erie Meals on Wheels Inc
MontCo Anti-Hunger Network
Montgomery County Central Labor Council
NAACP Cheltenham Pa. Area Branch
Northwest Mutual Aid Collective
Nutritional Development Services
Peace, Justice, SustainabilityNOW!
Pennridge FISH Organization, Inc.
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Pennsylvania Head Start Association
Pennsylvania State Education Association
Pittsburgh Food Policy Council
RESULTS Philadelphia
SWPA Synod (ELCA) Hunger Team
The Hope and Help Network
The Hope Center at Temple University
West Chester Food Cupboard
Women's Center of Montgomery County
Puerto Rico
Coalition for a Healthy Greater Worcester
Puerto Rico Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Rhode Island
Eat Drink RI
Farm Fresh Rhode Island
Rhode Island Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Rhode Island Coalition to End Homelessness
Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence
RI Food Policy Council
University of Rhode Island
URI Feinstein Hunger Center
South Carolina
7 Dimensions Outreach
Alianza Latina
Disability Rights South Carolina
FoodShare South Carolina
Habitat for Humanity of Greenville County
LiveWell Greenville
Loaves & Fishes
Lowcountry Food Bank Inc
Lowcountry Street Grocery
Meals on Wheels Greenville
Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head
RESULTS, South Carolina
South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center
South Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
South Carolina Program for Infant/Toddler Care
The Arc of SC
South Dakota
Banana Bunch
Bread for the World-South Dakota chapter
Feeding South Dakota
Health + Nutrition First
Senior care Management & Consultation
South Dakota Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
South Dakota Education Equity Coalition
Appalachian RC & D Council
Huntingdon Food Service
Knoxville/Knox County CAC
Memphis APRI
Metropolitan Interfaith Association (MIFA0
Mid-South Food Bank
NAMI Davidson Co.
Nashville Farmers' Market
Nashville International Center for Empowerment
Nashville Launch Pad
NCJW Nashville
Open Table Nashville
RESULTS Tennessee
Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee
Tennessee Alliance for Economic Mobility
Tennessee Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Tennessee Education Association
Tennessee Justice Center
Tennessee Local Food
The Nashville Food Project
The Urban Child Institute
Bastrop County Cares
Community Link
Every Texan
Feeding Texas
Foundation for the Homeless
Growing with Sara Farm
Meals on Wheels San Antonio
Meals on Wheels Wise County
Meals on Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County
OWBC- Opportunities for Williamson and Burnet County
RESULTS Austin - Domestic
RESULTS Dallas Global
San Antonio Food Bank
Sustainable Food Center
Tarrant Area Food Bank
Texas Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Texas Farmers' Market
Texas State Teachers Association
The Charlie Center
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hidalgo County
Waco Downtown Farmers Market
Wheatsville Co-op
Wise County Committee on Aging
U.S. Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Association for Utah Community Health
Central Utah Food Sharing
Crossroads Urban Center
Disability Law Center of Utah
Salt Lake City RESULTS
Utah Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Utah Housing Coalition
Utahns Against Hunger
Addison Community Action
Addison County Relocalization Network
Alliance for Community Transformations
Brandon Area food Shelf/Brandon Senior Center
Brattleboro Area Farmers Market
Brattleboro Winter Farmers' Market
Bread of Life Food Pantry
BROC Community Action
Capital City Farmers Market Customer Board Member
Center for an Agricultural Economy
Champlain Islands Farmers Market
Champlain Islands Food Shelf
Dorset Farmers Market (Vermont)
Family Center of Washington County
Feeding Champlain Valley, CVOEO
Greater Bennington Community Services
Hardwick Farmers Market
Hunger Free Vermont
Hunger Mountain Coop
Just Basics, Inc
Kitchen Soup Project
Lamoille Community Food Share
Ludlow Farmers Market
Lyndon Area food shelf
Maquam Bay of Missisquoi Inc
Morrisville Farmers Market
Old North End Farmers Market
Our Community Cares Camp (OCCC) Inc.
Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund
Richmond Farmers Market
Richmond Food Shelf & Thrift Store
Sheldon Methodist Church Food Shelf
The Vermont Foodbank
Thetford Food Shelf, Inc
Upper Valley Food Co-op
Vermont Center for Independent Living
Vermont Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Vershire Artisan & Farmers' Market
Waterbury Farmers Market
Winooski Farmers Market
ACLU People Power Fairfax
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
Blue Ridge Independent Living Center
Columbus Club of Winchester
DC KinCare Alliance
Dinner Together
Fauquier Community Food Bank & Thrift Store
Federation of Virginia Food Banks
Feeding Southwest Virginia
Greater Richmond Fit4Kids
Institute for Public Health Innovation
Legal Aid Justice Center
Local Office on Aging, Inc.
Real Food for Kids
Shalom Farms
Stephens City UMC food Pantry
The Disability Resource Center of the Rappahannock Area, Inc.
Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Virginia Chapter - National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Virginia Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Virginia Education Association
Virginia Fresh Match
Virginia Health Catalyst
Virginia Hunger Solutions a project of Virginia Poverty Law Center
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy
Voices for Virginia's Children
WelFore Health LLC
Asian Counseling and Referral Service
Ballard Food Bank
Cascade RESULTS of Washington State
Catholic Charities Serving Central Washington
Community Action Center
Community Action of Skagit County
Des Moines Area Food Bank
Evergreen Land Trust
Food Lifeline/ Take Me There Foundation
Garden-Raised Bounty (GRuB)
Hunger Intervention Program
Jefferson County Farmers Markets
Jewish Family Service
Low Income Housing Institute
Metropolitan Development Council
Multi-Service Center
Neighborhood Farmers Market Alliance
OIC of Washington
Okanogan County Community Action Council
Rainier Valley Food Bank
RESULTS, Gig Harbor/South Kitsap, WA
Rural Resources Community Action
Sammamish Valley Grange
Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness
Skagit Valley Food Co-op
South King County Food Coalition
Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners - SNAP
The Food Co-op, Port Townsend
The Washington Federation of State Employees/AFSCME C28
Toppenish Community Chest
UFCW 3000
United Way of King County
University District Food Bank
Washington Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition
Washington Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Washington Defender Association
Washington Education Association
Washington Food Coalition
Washington Gorge Action Programs
Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP
Washington State Community Action Partnership
Washington State Farmers Market Association
Washington State Public Health Association
White Center Food Bank
Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic
West Virginia
Between the Ridges d/b/a St Michael's Pantry
Blue Mountain Action Council
Black Voter Impact Initiative (BVII)
Boone County Commission
Keep Your Faith Corporation, Inc
Mountain State Justice
Mountaineer Food Bank
National Association of Social Workers - West
Virginia Chapter
Pirate Pastures
Putnam County Commission
Randolph County Family Resource Network
REACHH -Family Resource Center, Inc
RESULTS West Virginia
Sunset Berry Farm
West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy
West Virginia Chapter of the National Association of
Social Workers
West Virginia Council of Churches
West Virginia Food and Farm Coalition
WV Citizen Action
Ashland County Aging Unit Inc.
Autumn West Safe Haven/Community Advocates
Bay View Community Center
Chequamegon Food Cooperative
Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa Peace and Justice Office
Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin
Feeding Wisconsin
Helping Community Food Pantry
Hmong American Friendship Assn
Hunger Task Force
Jessie Crawford Recovery Center
Kickapoo Area Food Pantry
Lakeview Food Pantry
Mission Nutrition DeForest
Mother of Perpetual Help-SVDP Food Pantry
Opportunity Wisconsin
Outpost Natural Foods Cooperative
Project Concern of Cudahy/St Francis
Resources and Beyond
Second Harvest Foodbank Southern WI
Sherman Park Grocery
South Milwaukee Human Concerns, Inc.
Stepping Stones, Inc.
Street Angels, Inc.
The Gathering of Southeast WI, Inc.
The Neighbors' Place
The Salvation Army West Corp Pantry
Tosa Community Food Pantry
United for the Future
White Rabbit Grove RDNA
Wyoming Chapter of the National
Association of Social Workers
Wyoming Community Foundation