OP 95.501
OP 95.501 Traffic and Parking Rules and Regulations
The purpose of this policy is to establish the traffic and parking rules and regulations on the
campus and streets of Mississippi State University as approved and authorized by the Board of
Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning of the State of Mississippi.
The Mississippi State University Police Department is charged with enforcing traffic rules and
regulations and the Office of Parking and Transit Services is charged with enforcing the
parking rules and regulations promulgated and approved by the Board of Trustees of State
Institutions of Higher Learning for the State of Mississippi.
The following procedures regulate the use of vehicles on the campus and streets of Mississippi
State University and other roads or property within 500 feet of campus:
A. General Information
1. All prior rules and regulations for the control, direction, parking, and general regulation
of traffic and automobiles on the campus and streets of Mississippi State University are
hereby repealed.
2. For purposes of these regulations, the term:
a. Vehicle includes any device in, upon, or by which any individual or property is,
or may be, transported or drawn upon a highway, roadway, or street on the
campus of Mississippi State University or within 500 feet of campus;
b. Motor Vehicle includes every motorized vehicle which is self-propelled,
including golf carts, and every boat and trailer whether or not self-propelled;
c. Motorcycle includes every motorized vehicle having a saddle for the use of the
rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the
ground, but excluding a tractor;
d. Bicycle includes every vehicle, other than a motor vehicle, designed to travel on
not more than two wheels in contact with the ground and propelled by human
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e. University means Mississippi State University;
f. Campus means all buildings, streets, and grounds of Mississippi State University,
or any part thereof;
g. Police Department means the Police Department at Mississippi State University;
h. Chief of Police means the Chief of the Police Department at Mississippi State
i. Visitor means any individual, other than a faculty member, staff member,
vendor, or student, operating or parking a non-registered vehicle on the campus no
more often than occasionally;
j. Student means any individual registered as such, regardless of the number of
credit hours, at Mississippi State University;
k. Faculty or Staff means any individual who is eligible to receive staff
benefits, any individual who works for a federal government agency with offices
on campus, and any individual who is not a registered student and who works for
a contracted campus business.
l. Parking and Transit Services means the office on campus responsible for
maintaining and enforcing parking rules and regulations on the campus of
Mississippi State University.
m. Permits as used herein include permits displayed in accordance with B.6.
n. Executive Director of Transportation means the Executive Director of
Transportation at Mississippi State
o. Traffic Control Device means any sign, signal, pavement marking, or any legally
installed device erected by authority of a public body or official having
jurisdiction for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.
3. The University shall have no liability for loss or damage to any vehicle or the contents of
any vehicle brought, operated, or parked on the university campus.
4. The University does not guarantee a parking space in your selected zone.
B. Registration and Permits
1. Any individual who operates or parks a motor vehicle on the campus and streets of the
university shall register the motor vehicle. The cost of a permit may be obtained by
contacting the Office of Parking and Transit Services. ALL VEHICLES ARE
REQUIRED TO REGISTER. It is recommended that all personal bicycles be
registered with a complimentary permit for owner identification.
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2. Staff, faculty, and students are required to register their motor vehicle online via
myBanner and shall furnish any or all of the following information. All permits registered
via myBanner will be mailed to the customer’s provided address within 10-14 business
a. Name;
b. Official United States Postal Address where the permit is to be received, this is
not to include a Residence Hall location;
c. Make, model, style, color, and year of manufacturer of the motor vehicle at the
time of the registration;
d. State license tag number of the motor vehicle at the time of registration; and
e. Other information concerning the identity of the driver, owner, and/or motor
vehicle as may, from time to time, be required.
3. The university shall prescribe the form of the permit.
4. No individual shall display more than one permit on any one vehicle. The exception to
this statute is for a staff permit: staff permits shall override all other permits affixed to the
vehicle, provided the vehicle is registered, parked in a designated staff parking area, and
being operated by the registered staff or faculty member.
5. The appropriate license plate must be linked to the permit. It is the permit owner’s
responsibility to maintain the correct license plate and permit relationship. Students may
only have one active license plate linked to their permit. Staff may have multiple license
plates registered and linked via their online parking account.
6. The permit shall be affixed to the vehicle in a place and manner prescribed by the
university and/or in accordance with instructions printed on the back of the permit.
Permits which are taped on vehicles or affixed in locations other than the prescribed
location shall not be considered properly affixed or properly displayed. Parking permits
are nontransferable. Permits are the property of the university and must be surrendered to
stop recurring charges when one’s relationship with the university or its agencies is
7. Any regular employee of the university eligible for staff benefits at the university; any
employee of any State or Federal agency located on the university campus; or any full-
time, non-registered student or individual who is an employee of a contracted business or
those granted affiliate status by the university located on the university campus may
purchase a staff permit for any vehicle or motorcycle brought to campus.
a. Staff permits are to be utilized solely for the use of regular employees, as
described above, and may not be secured for the use of a student, friend, or
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b. All regular employees of the university may purchase two staff permits, at the full
current rate.
8. Any student who resides in a residence hall, fraternity, or sorority house on the university
campus shall obtain a properly designated permit for any motor vehicle brought to
campus. For purposes of these regulations, any building on the campus housing students
may be classified as a residence hall, fraternity, or sorority house.
9. Any student who does not reside in a residence hall, fraternity, or sorority house on the
university campus may obtain a commuter permit for any motor vehicle brought to
10. Vendors may apply for a vendor permit through the Office of Parking and Transit
Services. Vendor permits must be properly displayed on vendor vehicles in a manner
prescribed by the Office of Parking and Transit Services. Vendor permits authorize
vendors to park in designated spaces on campus. The cost of vendor permits is set at an
amount established by the university; the amount is prorated.
11. Visitors are required to have a permit or a valid online payment for the appropriate
parking period at a fee established by the university. The permit must be displayed
according to the instructions on the permit or the license plate appropriately registered.
Visitor permits and payment options may be obtained online, and the link is available on
the Parking and Transit Services website at www.parkingservices.msstate.edu.
12. The fee for issuing a permit to any individual during the fall semester shall not exceed the
amount established by the university. The fee for issuing a permit to any individual
during the spring semester shall not exceed two-thirds of the amount; the fee for issuing a
permit to any individual during a summer term shall not exceed one-third of the amount.
13. All permits expire on an annual date determined by the university and stated on the
14. Any individual to whom a permit has been issued shall:
a. Change permits if his/her status at the university changes in a manner as to require
a different permit; and
b. Remove any permit from the vehicle upon transfer of ownership or possession of
the vehicle to which the permit is affixed.
15. If a permit issued to any individual under the provision of these regulations becomes
marred, mutilated, or obliterated, or if because of damages to the vehicle the permit has to
be replaced, or if the individual changes his/her status to a different classification during
the year, or if the individual changes vehicles, the individual shall obtain a new permit. If
the original permit or satisfactory evidence of its destruction is presented to the Office of
Parking and Transit Services, a reduced fee established by the University will be
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16. A permit issued to be affixed to or used by one motor vehicle shall not be affixed or
transferred to another vehicle operated by the permit owner, with the exception of a staff
17. A temporary permit may be obtained from the Office of Parking and Transit Services by:
a. Any staff, faculty, or student who expects to operate or park any vehicle on the
campus for less than seven (7) days, unless a longer period is authorized in
writing; or
b. Any individual who expects to operate or park any vehicle on the campus in the
place of a registered vehicle that is temporarily inoperable.
18. Any individual or Department to whom a permit has been issued shall be responsible for
any parking or registration violation(s) in which the vehicle is involved.
19. Any individual who visits the Office of Parking and Transit Services and completes the
necessary paperwork for a lost/stolen permit may purchase a replacement permit for half
the amount depending on the semester.
20. Any student who is classified as an off-campus freshman or transfer student at the
beginning of a semester and who commutes to the campus will be required to purchase a
Commuter North permit.
21. All refunds will be handled in accordance with the refund schedule determined by the
Office of the Registrar.
C. Parking
1. For purposes of these regulations, the university may classify individuals into different
categories and may restrict parking in any area of its campus to a certain category of
individuals. The university shall not, except upon posting or installation of appropriate
signs or stenciled curb, change the restriction in any area from one category to another
during the school year.
2. Vehicles identified by parking enforcement that are parking in any area or parking space
on campus in violation of the rights conveyed by the permit associated with that vehicle
license plate can be ticketed regardless of:
a. An individual’s inability to find an appropriately permitted or legal parking space;
b. Automatic gates that are temporarily in an open position during posted
enforcement times;
c. Signage that temporarily may be not visible due to unauthorized removal,
vandalism, or any natural cause such as inclement weather or foliage growth.
3. No individual, unless otherwise authorized by these regulations or the Office of Parking
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and Transit Services, shall park any motor vehicle or motorcycle on the campus:
a. In any area designated for Handicap Parking;
b. In any manner that obstructs any wheelchair route or potential wheelchair route;
c. On or adjacent to any yellow curb;
d. On any sidewalk or crosswalk or in any manner that obstructs any sidewalk or
e. On any lawn or grassed area, except as otherwise provided in these regulations;
f. In any driveway;
g. In any loading zone;
h. In any "No Parking" zone;
i. In any manner that obstructs traffic;
j. In a double or multiple manner;
k. In any manner that obstructs or blocks a fire hydrant;
l. In any location not designated by lines or signs as parking areas;
m. In any manner exceeding the posted length of time where "time" parking is in
n. In any area of the campus which has been closed off using barricades, signs,
yellow lines, or other traffic control devices except as otherwise authorized by
these regulations or the Executive Director of Transportation in writing;
o. In any fire lane;
p. In any area designated by sign or stenciled curb as Service Parking, Reserved
Parking, or Exclusive Service;
q. Outside of their designated zone;
r. That is deemed oversized in a space designated for a compact vehicle;
s. In a manner that hides your license plate from being visible from the primary
drive lane;
t. In possession of a stolen or lost permit;
u. With a non-registered license plate.
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4. ADA-accessible parking spaces are reserved throughout the campus to accommodate
mobility-impaired individuals with a state-issued handicap parking permit. An official
University permit is required to park in any non-metered zone and the state-issued
handicap permit must be registered with The Office of Parking and Transit Services.
Once registered, a state-issued handicap parking permit entitles an individual to park in
ADA-accessible spaces in the zone designated on their University parking permit. For
disability-related parking accommodations, including permission to park outside one’s
permitted zone, request should be submitted to the Office of Parking and Transit
Services, which will coordinate with the Office of Disability Support Services and/or
Human Resources Management in determining the proper accommodation.
5. Commuter students shall park their vehicles in areas designated as commuter parking.
Commuter lots are available for the use by all permitted vehicles between 5:00 PM and
7:00 AM weekdays and twenty-four (24) hours a day on weekends, except for special
events. Commuters may park in any commuter lot after 3:00 PM.
6. Online or properly completed and displayed visitor hangtag permits are valid in any staff,
commuter, or resident zones. The Office of Parking and Transit Services may, upon
special occasions, temporarily appropriate for visitor use exclusively any parking area
normally reserved for other categories of individuals.
7. Parkmobile may be used by any vehicle in the lots designated as Parkmobile lots through
signage and as displayed on the Parkmobile app.
8. Graduate assistant students shall park their vehicles in areas designated as commuter or
residence zone parking.
9. Staff shall park their vehicles in areas designated as staff or commuter parking. Staff
parking lots and gated lots are available for the use by all permitted vehicles between
6:00 PM and 7:00 AM weekdays and twenty-four (24) hours a day on weekends, except
for special events. Only customers who have reserved gated parking for their specific
gated lot are authorized to park motorcycles in that gated parking lot.
10. No contractor shall operate or park any motor vehicle or permit his/her employees to
operate or park any motor vehicle, on the campus without first obtaining a permit from
the Office of Parking and Transit Services.
11. Every individual, unless otherwise permitted or directed by appropriate authority, who
parallel parks a motor vehicle upon the campus where there is an adjacent curb shall park
with the right- hand wheels of the vehicle parallel to, and within twelve inches of, the
right-hand curb.
12. A parking space is defined as an area between two painted lines and a vehicle must be
parked completely between the lines.
13. The temporary absence of a sign, or the operation of a gate, at the entrance of any area of
the campus does not mean that it is no longer restricted. If at any time area restrictions are
removed or altered, the signs in those areas shall change appropriately.
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14. No individual shall abandon any motor vehicle on the university campus. The university
may, in addition to any other remedy herein provided, upon evidence that a motor vehicle
has remained on campus parked and unused for a period of five (5) days, report the
vehicle as abandoned to the MSU Police Department for investigation and possible
disposal according to state law.
15. Exclusive Service Parking as designated by sign or stenciled curb is reserved for those
departments that require a service parking space to be available twenty-four (24) hours a
day as approved by the university.
16. No individual shall tamper with, manipulate, or destroy a parking control device,
including gate arms or control devices. Fines and fees will be assessed as established by
the university.
D. Traffic
1. No individual shall operate or park any vehicle on the campus, or within 500 feet of
campus property, in such a manner as to cause injury to any individual, grounds,
building, or other facility or property of the university.
2. Any individual who operates or parks a motor vehicle on the campus shall:
a. Obey all stop signs and traffic control devices;
b. Obey yellow or white lines for routing traffic and only pass other vehicles in those
areas appropriately designated;
c. Obey all speed limit signs;
d. Obey one-way street signs;
e. Yield to traffic as prescribed by state law and/or appropriate signage;
f. Have in their possession a valid license recognized by the State of Mississippi;
g. Wear a seatbelt at all times while operating a vehicle;
h. Not park or leave their vehicle unattended in such a way that it blocks roadway or
has the potential to obstruct traffic;
i. Obey any other sign indicator, marker, or signal for the control, direction,
parking, and general regulation for traffic and automobiles including, but not
confined to, lawful hand, voice, whistle, or other commands or signals.
j. Regardless of intent, not throw, drop, or discard, any item from any motor vehicle
except into a litter receptacle.
3. No individual shall pass a school bus on campus, or within 500 feet of campus property,
and are required to stop at least ten (10) feet from a school bus when the bus is loading or
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unloading children and must not proceed until all children have crossed the street to or
from the school bus, the flashing red lights are no longer activated, and the stop sign on
the side of the bus is retracted.
4. No individual shall drive or operate a motor vehicle on any campus parking lot at a speed
in excess of ten (10) miles per hour.
5. The university shall, consistent with these regulations, place and maintain signs, markers,
and other traffic control devices as it shall deem necessary and sufficient to regulate,
warn, or guide traffic.
6. No individual, other than those individuals who by nature of their functions are required
to do so, shall drive a vehicle upon any pedestrian path, sidewalk, grassed area, safety
zone, or any other area of the campus not ordinarily used for vehicular traffic with the
exception of using sidewalk to access bike rack(s).
7. No individual, other than those individuals who by nature of their functions are required
to do so, shall park any vehicle in or upon any area that has been closed by the use of
barricades or other traffic control devices.
8. All individuals must operate a vehicle in a careful and prudent manner, having regard for
the width, grade, curves, corners, traffic, and all other attendant circumstances, so as not
to endanger the safety or property of any person or the university.
9. Pedestrians shall have the right of way at all marked crosswalks on the campus, except
where an intersection is controlled by a traffic signal.
10. No individual shall operate any motor vehicle equipped with noise making muffler,
cutout, or straight exhaust.
11. No individual shall blow the horn of his or her motor vehicle in an excessive manner.
12. Any individual who has an accident on the campus shall, if the accident resulted in
property damage or personal injury, report the accident to the Police Department.
13. In addition to the rules and regulations contained herein, all of the laws of the State of
Mississippi are in full force and effect at all times on the campus.
E. Bicycles, Motorcycles, Other Motorized Vehicles, Skateboards, In- Line Skates, Hover
Boards, or other wheeled modes of transportation not designed to accommodate
individuals with disabilities.
1. Any individual who rides, operates, or parks a bicycle or any other non-motorized
vehicle, including boats and trailers, on the campus shall be subject to all the terms and
provisions of these regulations applicable to anyone who rides, operates, or parks a motor
vehicle, except for those provisions which by their nature can have no application.
2. The university may choose to allot certain locations on campus as dismount zones for
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bicycles. This means that when these dismount areas are designated, the bicyclist should
dismount and walk their bike in these designated zones.
3. No individual shall park or operate any bicycle in a hallway, on a handicap ramp, or in or
near a doorway except where use is made of a parking rack furnished by the university.
Furthermore, bicycles affixed or chained to any tree, bench, trash can, railing or any other
campus structure other than a bike rack will be subject to being impounded by the
4. No individual shall ride, operate, or park at night on the campus or streets of Mississippi
State University or within 500 feet of any property owned by the university, any bicycle
not equipped with a headlight and taillight or reflector.
5. No individual, unless otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police in writing, shall take
any bicycle inside any building on campus. An approved exception allows the resident to
store their bicycle in their room of residence on campus with approval from the
Department of Housing & Residence Life.
6. Every regulation herein applicable to anyone riding, operating, or parking a bicycle on
the campus shall also apply to anyone riding, operating, or parking a motorcycle, motor
scooter, or other two- wheeled motorized vehicle.
7. No individual who operates or drives a motorcycle, or other motor-driven cycle having
two or three wheels, shall carry any other individual in or upon the vehicle unless the
vehicle is equipped with:
a. A dual seat designed for two individuals, or a separate passenger seat with a
double footrest; or
b. A sidecar attachment providing a separate seat for a passenger to be seated
entirely within the attachment.
8. No individual riding or operating a motorcycle or other motorized cycle shall carry in or
upon the vehicle more than himself/herself and another individual at any one time.
9. The use of skateboards, bicycles, in-line skates, hover boards, or other wheeled modes of
transportation on campus is permitted, but caution should be exercised when in the
presence of pedestrians as they have the right of way. Furthermore, use of bicycles,
skateboards, in-line skates, hover boards, or other wheeled modes of transportation inside
of campus buildings or on campus structures such as, but not limited to, stairs, railings,
benches, planters, concrete pavers and other applicable structures is not permitted. Those
found to have damaged any campus structure face campus disciplinary sanctions and/or
criminal prosecution for vandalism and destruction of state property.
10. Any individual operating a motorcycle or other motorized cycle on the campus or streets
of the university shall park in designated motorcycle parking spaces or motor vehicle
spaces around the campus. The designated spaces may be reviewed on the parking map at
www.parkingservices.msstate.edu. Only gated customers who have reserved gated
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parking for their specific gated lot are authorized to park motorcycles in a gated lot.
F. Procedures for Parking and Traffic Citation Appeals
1. Any individual charged with a violation of these regulations may appeal. The appellant
may appeal citations online via myBanner using the Appeals and Citation Information
link under the tab of Personal Information or online at
a. All appeals are open for fourteen days from the day of issuance. No appeals will
be allowed after this time frame. Faculty/staff may send their appeal form and
attached citation by campus mail to MS 9505 or appeal their ticket online via
b. In addition to the parking violation fine, an administrative charge established by
the university will be added to each appeal if the appeals board denies the appeal.
c. The following are not acceptable grounds for appealing a parking citation:
i. Ignorance of the regulations;
ii. Unavailability of a legal parking space;
iii. Improper display of permit;
iv. Failure to purchase an appropriate permit;
v. Failure to purchase any permit;
vi. Inclement weather;
vii. Late arrival for class or meetings.
2. Citation appeals are heard by the appropriate Faculty/Staff or Student Citation
a. The Faculty/Staff Citation Appeal Committee is a standing Committee appointed
by the Vice President for Student Affairs. It serves as a hearing committee for
appeals from faculty and staff on parking and traffic citations. The Committee
reports to the Dean of Students.
b. The Student Citation Appeal Committee is appointed by the Dean of Students
office from applicants received. Students are appointed to this committee
representing the broad spectrum of student constituencies. The Student Citation
Appeal Committee keeps regularly scheduled office hours each week during the
semester and registered students appeal online to the committee. Registered
students receive an email informing them of the decision by the committee
regarding their appeal
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c. The committees will review the appeals and render a decision. The committees
may waive or approve the appeal and void the citation, may deny the appeal and
indicate the fine to be paid, or may deny the appeal but waive the fine.
d. The decision of the Faculty/Staff Citation Appeal Committee is transmitted to the
appellant at the address supplied by the appellant on the appeal form within a
timely period. The Student Citation Appeal Committee sends out decisions via
e. All decisions by the Faculty/Staff Citation Appeal Committee and Student
Citation Appeal Committee are final. There is no second appeal process.
3. The university citation appeal procedures are not applicable to individuals receiving
Justice Court citations or State of Mississippi Uniform Traffic Citations from the MSU
Police Department.
4. Any visitor charged with a violation of parking or traffic regulations may appeal to the
Executive Director of Transportation in the Office of Parking and Transit Services.
G. Sanctions
1. When a violation by any individual of any rule or regulation set forth in Sections A
through E has been clearly established by waiver, voluntary admission, or by hearing as
provided in Section F the individual shall be subjected to an administrative penalty
including but not limited to a fee in an amount to be established by the university. A
current list of parking fees can be obtained at www.parkingservices.msstate.edu and a
current list of traffic fines can be obtained at www.police.msstate.edu. Any individual
who is required to surrender his/her permit and fails to do so, or who operates or parks
any motor vehicle on the campus of the university after the date upon which he/she was
requested to surrender his/her permit, shall have the vehicle impounded. The individual
shall be responsible for the cost involved in removing, impounding, and storing the
vehicle. The university and its officers shall not be liable for any damage to the vehicle
occurring during, or resulting from, the placement or removal of a wheel lock, the
impoundment, removal, or storage thereof.
2. The university may, in addition to any other remedy herein provided, remove and
impound any illegally parked or abandoned vehicle, or any vehicle without a permit, with
no license plates, or parked in a manner as to constitute a serious hazard to vehicular or
pedestrian traffic, or to the movement or the operation of emergency equipment. The
owner of the vehicle shall be responsible for all costs involved in removing, impounding,
and storing of the vehicle. The university and its officers shall not be liable for any
damage to the vehicle occurring during, or resulting from, the impoundment, removal, or
storage thereof.
3. Any individual who fails to surrender his/her permit or registration permit, or who fails to
make payment of administrative penalties for violation of the rules and regulations for
control, direction, and general regulation of traffic and automobiles shall be subject to
university disciplinary action.
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4. Any individual who fails to obtain a proper permit and who operates or parks any motor
vehicle without a valid permit on the campus of the university after the date upon which
he/she is required to obtain a permit or registration permit, shall be in violation of the
rules and regulations of traffic and automobiles.
5. Any individual who knowingly provides any false information where such information is
required by the terms of these rules and regulations shall upon notice and hearing be
required to surrender his/her permit and shall have all of his/her operating and parking
privileges suspended for not longer than one full year.
6. Any student who fails to pay his/her parking fines to the university before the end of the
semester will not be permitted to re-register as a student of the university or secure a
transcript or credits.
7. Any regular employee (faculty or staff) who fails to pay his/her financial obligation to the
university will have the amount deducted from their paycheck.
8. Unpaid parking or traffic penalties are cumulative until paid.
9. The university may, in addition to any other remedy herein provided, enforce the parking
rules and regulations through the use of a wheel lock device or towing at owner’s
expense. A wheel lock device will render the vehicle immobile. The owner of the vehicle
will be responsible for all costs and unpaid traffic fines involved. Wheel lock removal
fees are established by the Office of Parking and Transit Services and a fee list may be
obtained by calling 662-325-2661. Qualifying offenses that result in either a wheel lock
or towing include but are not limited to:
a. Vehicles parked in or obstructing use of a handicap space, ramp, or curb cut
without proper permit
b. Vehicles parked in any Reserved spaced.
c. Vehicles parked in any wheel lock zone or tow away zone.
d. Vehicles parked in gated lots without proper permit
e. Vehicles operating on a permit reported lost or stolen.
f. Vehicles with unidentifiable owner/operator used for extended period of time
without securing proper permit.
g. Vehicles that are unregistered or have unpaid citations
h. Unauthorized vehicles in Exclusive Service Parking, Service Parking, or
Handicap Parking
i. Displaying a permit other than his/her own. Additional actions include referral to
the Dean of Students or their immediate supervisor.
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j. Vehicles obstructing traffic, sidewalks, or any other access way.
10. Any individual who removes or damages a wheel lock without authorization is subject to
the following fees and actions:
a. Arrest and restitution.
b. Replacement price of the device.
c. Students will be referred to the Dean of Students Office and employees will be
referred to their immediate supervisor.
d. Loss of campus driving privileges may also be imposed.
11. Abandoned bicycles typically will be removed when they are reported or found to
impede, crowd, or obstruct the area to which they had been affixed. All bicycles will be
tagged, and owners will be given one week to respond. If the bicycle is registered an
attempt will be made to contact the owner. If the bicycle is not registered it will be
removed after the one-week notifications period has expired. The one-week notification
period begins when the tag is placed on the bicycle. All bicycles will be disposed of in
accordance to IHL Policy 614. See the following link:
H. Publication and Enactment
1. These procedures can be found online at http://www.msstate.edu/web/security.html. A
copy of the procedures will also be posted in such prominent places as the President
2. These rules and regulations are enacted upon approval by the Board of Trustees of State
Institutions of Higher Learning of the State of Mississippi.
A current list of parking fees and fines can be obtained at www.parkingservices.msstate.edu and
a current list of traffic fines can be obtained at www.police.msstate.edu.
The Vice President for Student Affairs and the Vice President for Finance and Administration are
responsible for the review of this operating policy every four years or as needed.
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/s/ Regina Young Hyatt 5/24/2021
Vice President for Student Affairs Date
/s/ Don Zant 5/24/2021
Vice President for Finance & Administration Date
/s/ Tracey Baham 5/24/2021
Director, Institutional Research & Effectiveness Date
/s/ Joan Lucas 5/24/2021
General Counsel Date
/s/ Mark E. Keenum 5/24/2021
President Date
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